THE TRUTH ABOUT WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO ME. My name is Agnew Johnston. I am a former Assistant Crown Attorney.
I have continued to maintain my innocence, and am still pursuing an Appeal for Justice to clear my name. I was
labelled the 'sacrificial' lamb and took the 'fall. On the next page I have included a link to the transcript of my appeal,
which shows bias. I will continue to maintain my innocence until I can clear my name. I may have lost everything,
including my position as a Crown attorney, but I still have my dignity, and I will continue my appeal efforts to have my licence
to practise law reinstated, along with an acquittal of the charges and conviction for which I am not guilty. All of this
came about because I needed the truth about our legal system to be brought to the surface. I have paid a very high price
for that attempt at justice. J.A.A. Johnston